How I Work with Companies…

Bring me in virtually or in-person to give a UX Strategy-centered talk to your team, program attendees, or UX community members.

I’ll provide a personalized lecture experience that introduces the UX concepts and vocabulary everyone needs to get their entire organization on the same page.

I love sharing my strategic insights on topics like…

  • UX Research,
  • Building a Winning Strategy,
  • Agile UX,
  • Fixing the UX of Security,
  • Design Metrics,
  • and more…
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Build a foundation for a more UX strategic organization through a one-of-a-kind coaching and mentorship program. I work with teams week after week to build up their influence in the organization through tested and successful UX strategies.

I can work with you not only to strategize your perfect UX strategy but also to implement it and overcome the day-to-day challenges you face while implementing it.

Read a Use Case

Read how I’ve worked with a specific organization.

In 2024 I’ve been working with one of the largest computers companies to up the skills and strategy of their leadership and team members. I’ve provided three workshops to meet different team division needs.

First, I walked 20 team members through a processes to define their UX Outcomes, UX Success metrics, UX Progress metrics, and Problem-value metrics. We identified the improvements their teams could make in the products and services they were working on.

Next, I led 20 similar team members through a proven process for crafting a UX vision meant to capture the imagination of your entire organization. I taught the techniques and practices they need to keeping everyone in their roganization focused on achieving that vision.

Now, I’m leading 20 emerging leaders in becoming the leaders their organization needs. They’re understanding how to led an enthusiastic adoption of human-centered design and research and securing earlier involvement in critical strategic decisions by building solid relationships with senior stakeholders and executives.

I’ve taken a tailored approach to different needs of the organization and its team. Team members have told me they learned how to, “Build a clear understanding of how we are improving people’s lives and continuously drive awareness and understanding around outcomes until all of organization finally gets it!” 

It’s been a valuable partnership for their organization and myself. Let’s make a partnership that best fits your needs.

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A successful UX strategy doesn’t look the same for every organization, leader, or team. And implelenting the right strategy don’t come from a one-size-fits-all course.

Together, we can explore what’s right the right stragegy and implamentaion approach for you and your needs.

For years I’ve worked with folks one-onone to consider a myriad of different sources, perspectives, and approaches. Years of experience testing, consulting, and providing teams with their curated approaches can be applied to yous specific needs.

Wow, my time learning from Jared had been a whirlwind of learning and development! Jared has helped me tremendously to articulate how we can make the life of the customer better and how to be effective collaborating with other functional leaders in a UX role.

– Senior Product Leader
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How I Work with Folks Individually…

Leaders of Awesomeness is a lively community of UX leaders, designers, researchers, and writers from all over the world. Join our community and weekly live sessions to get a clear direction on where to take your UX strategy. Learn about interesting, relevant UX topics with hundreds of other UX leaders.

I’m skeptical about “experts”… but the recordings I’ve seen and the live session today won me over.  :star-struck:

You know that someone really know what they’re talking about when they make it seem easy, and you make it seem so easy. :sweat_smile:

:point_up: I wholeheartedly recommend the live UX Strategy Talks!

– Senior UX Designer

Your new serious strategic effort will change the relationships your senior executives and stakeholders will have with everyone who will benefit from your products and services. Each of our UX Strategy Intensives are focused on creating a profound transformation around the way your organization makes essential decisions.

UX Research
Awaken your top executives to the value of UX through a strategic UX Research plan.

UX Vision
Craft a UX vision that will capture the imagination of your entire organization.

UX Metrics

Focus your team and executives on improving your customers’ lives through visible UX outcomes.

UX Hiring
Grow your organization’s UX practice while delighting and hiring your best candidates.

Agile UX
Piece together an effective process that works for your unique team’s needs.

Overall UX Strategy

Deep dive into every facet of creating, implementing, and leading a UX strategy.

If you’re ready for the next step in your leadership journey, our How to Win Stakeholders and Influence Decisions program is for you. You’ll get the full mentorship and coaching you need to grow your responsibility and influence. Guide your stakeholders to make intelligent choices that lead to real change.

Guide your career to…

  • A future where your work is improving the lives of your customers and users.
  • A future where you don’t have to battle just to do your job.
  • A future where you’re working to your full potential.

This program transformed my discussions with my team. I now stop negative assumptions and see the full picture of what my team is working on. Allowing for better connections and support.

– Senior UX Designer

During your free mentorship session, you’ll share with me your toughest UX Strategy challenges and obstacles. Tell me what is keeping you from delivering your best design work.

If you could wave a magic wand and remove all obstacles from your way what would that look like? I’d love to know, and I’d love to share how I might be able to help you do just that.

To get started, just choose a time that works for you with my magical availability tool.

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